Stuc a' Chroin and Ben Vorich

Stuc a' Chroin and Ben Vorich

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Himalayan Blue Poppy - Meconopsis betonicifolia

Never fails to delight.                                          Click to enlarge.


Greg said...

Beautiful, is it difficult to grow?

debbie_bygrave said...

Gorgeous colours

afootinthehills said...

Thanks Greg. It needs shade and flourishes in a moist, neutral to acid soil and that's all. For years it's done well without any extra attention from us.

Debbie - yes they are, and still more flowers to come. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

It's a nice plant, Gibson. Unfortunately our soil is slightly alkaline, which is a bit of a nuisance as I love A(but can't grow) Azaleas. I just manage to keep a Rhododendron and a Magnolia alive by digging in rotting fruit around the base of them.

afootinthehills said...

Byeways - like you we love Azaleas but the one (shortly to be posted on the blog) didn't flower at all well this year, the first time this has ever happened.